Applying For Grants
Our Foundation operates a broad grants program to multiple grantees not limited by mission to a single focus or cause or exclusively to the interests of a particular constituency, and widely disseminates grant guidelines to ensure the fullest possible participation from the communities it serves. We award competitive Community Grants (see below) and Fund Grants which are grants awarded through an individual's or organization's Donor Advised Fund to any qualified organization on the planet.
Each of our affiliates awards competitive Community Grants from their funds to local, qualified organizations in focus areas including Arts & Culture, Civics, Education, Social Services, Historic Preservation, and Environmental, etc. Grant awards are usually directed to organizations serving one of our three active communities (Whitfield, Bartow, and Gordon Counties) and typically range from $1,000 to $4,000.
Our affiliates in Whitfield and Gordon Counties conduct two grant cycles each year, while our Cartersville-Bartow affiliate conducts ONE grant cycle each year (in the springtime).
The Foundation’s Spring Cycle (Bartow, Gordon and Whitfield Counties) opens on March 1 with a deadline of April 30.
The Foundation’s Fall Cycle (Gordon and Whitfield Counties) opens on September 1 with a deadline of October 31.
We help administer North Georgia Electric Membership Foundation's Operation Round Up (ORU) grant program. The application period is only open twice each year. Qualified organizations in member service counties (Catoosa, Chattooga, Floyd, Gordon, Murray, Walker, and Whitfield) can apply for up to $10,000 each year.
ORU Session One opens on January 1 with a deadline at the end of February.
ORU Session Two opens on June 1 and closes on July 31.