By Cecelia Dyer
It’s the Holiday Season, again! That one time of the year we enjoy certain experiences for just that brief period. Specific foods, décor, and customs, that we could most certainly indulge in year round if we wanted, are saved specifically for this magical time. Of these once-a-year traditions, listening to Christmas music is surely an all-time favorite.
Take a look at the five songs we feel will not only have you singing along, but might just bring out the giving spirit in even the most cynical among us!
1. THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS (https://youtu.be/9QPQI5QUs74)
This is one of those fun songs that tests an adult’s memory and entertains children to no end. We all like to think we know how many geese were a laying, maids were a milking, and pipers were piping; but let’s face it, the only thing we really know is that there were FIVE GOLDEN RINGS. And we like to sing that part loudly to cover up the fact that we actually have no clue beyond a partridge in a pear tree.
While this song portrays a very generous gifter, we should always remember that for many receiving even a single gift is out of the question. Never think any donation or gift is too small. It could change someone’s world.
2. DO THEY KNOW IT’S CHRISTMAS? (https://youtu.be/ahYKt-A_uBY)
This benefit song was written in 1984 by Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise money to combat famine in Ethiopia. If you’ve never heard this tune, that description doesn’t exactly make you want to rush and add it to your holiday playlist, but it’s great and you should! Some of the most popular singers of the time formed the supergroup Band Aid to record this single, and it is still fun to pick out their voices 35 years later.
Despite the fact that the song was written for a specific cause many years ago, its message still rings loud and clear today. “Feed the world” is repeated over and over, and while the initial effort of this group was aimed at hunger in Africa, we know we have people struggling in our own community who need food assistance also. Your donations of money and/or food items could literally save a person’s life.
3. LITTLE DRUMMER BOY (https://youtu.be/QArOV1bsISo)
Okay, let’s discuss the most obvious candidate for “best giving spirit” of all time – the little drummer boy. Doesn’t a tear come to your eye just thinking about the lyrics to this Christmas classic?
A little boy with nothing to offer but the gift of his musical instrument, and his desire to play the best he ever has for the newborn King, so he goes for it. What a message!
It’s easy to think of philanthropy as only a wealthy person’s endeavor, but that’s simply not the case. Charitable giving comes in many forms other than monetary. If your pocketbook is tight, you can volunteer your time, talents and ideas to any number of worthy organizations, and your heart will be rewarded in return.
4. A HOLLY JOLLY CHRISTMAS (https://youtu.be/Dkq3LD-4pmM)
On a recent trip to the copy room, one of our coworkers here at the Community Foundation was heard singing this super catchy tune. She said this particular holiday song always makes her feel good. Her joy was contagious and spread throughout the office.
Our hope is that when helping others by giving, volunteering, mentoring, etc., you will approach it with a “holly jolly” attitude. That really is the true spirit of giving.
5. AND SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS (https://youtu.be/p8hdZVoLHrk)
Written and originally performed by John Lennon as a nod to his desire for social unity and peace, AND SO THIS IS CHRISTMAS has become a holiday anthem. This song’s wonderfully inclusive lyrics are worth reading over if you’ve never paid them much attention. “So this is Christmas and what have you done” is the first line, and what a huge question that is!
I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year for the record books, and has brought to light some different types of giving we can do in addition to our usual donations. We can give others our patience, respect, and kindness on a daily basis, and be greatly fulfilled in doing so. Our wish for you is, and as this song states so beautifully, “A very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Let’s hope it’s a good one without any fears.”
Cecelia Dyer is a valued staff member of the Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia based in Dalton.