By Amber Nagle
Enjoying copious amounts of Christmas confections is just one of the high points of the holiday season. From a decorative tin of your aunt’s famous peppermint bark to a carnival glass bowl showcasing colorful jelly-filled hard candies, Christmas candies seem to be everywhere beckoning you to grab a piece with no guilt.
We thought it would be fun to examine six popular Christmas candies and explore how they relate to philanthropy. Enjoy!
These white fluffy candies are to die for, but a lot of skill and luck are required to make perfect divinity candy. My mother used to say, “You can’t make divinity when it’s raining, so better wait until tomorrow when it is less humid.” The timing of making divinity is critical to its success, and sometimes, the timing of charitable giving is integral to a gift’s effectiveness.
Many people are filled with the giving spirit in December, and they make a few year-end donations to help others and/or create a few more tax deductions. As a result, many organizations seem to be in good financial shape at year’s end. However, when spring rolls around, they are starving for working capital. Like waiting an extra day to try your hand at making divinity, sometimes it’s best to time your charitable donations to when an organization needs it most.
Remember the glass bowl of hard candies Grandma showcased on her dining room table? The purple candies meant raspberry, reds were strawberry, and the little brown peanut shaped candies tasted like peanut butter. Mmm. There were so many flavors to choose from that it was often difficult to make a decision.
Choosing a charity (or charities) can be a tough decision, too. There are so many worthy causes and projects that need financial fuel to be successful. How does one choose the best? The good news is that, like hard candies, you won’t be disappointed with the charities you choose, so select a few. Giving will fill your soul with holiday cheer.
For most of us, there’s a fudge recipe that has been passed down from one generation to the next to the next. Some recipes include Georgia pecans while others use walnuts. Some fudgy concoctions are so sweet it makes your face sweat after nibbling one bite. Fudge is part of so many Christmas traditions - touchstones to the holidays of our youth and to loved ones who may not be with us any more.
For many families, charitable giving can also be a treasured family tradition. For those of us who are charitable, we hope to pass down our giving spirit to our children and grandchildren along with our shared beliefs and values. The giving process can provide unique opportunities for families to spend time together talking, collaborating, researching organizations and causes, and giving together. The act of philanthropy can be a bonding experience for family members of all generations.
For those of us who were blessed with a filled stocking hanging on the mantle on Christmas morning, we fondly remember the Christmas Lifesavers Storybooks pushed down to the toe of the stocking. From Wint-O-Green to chalky Pep-O-Mint to Butter Rum to Tropical Fruit flavored rolls, Lifesavers were a welcome gift from Santa.
Our generous donations are often lifesavers to the thousands of nonprofit organizations that serve our communities each and every day. Your gift can save a life. Be a lifesaver this year.
Peanut brittle is a timeless holiday classic. For those of you who have never made it, you heat sugar, corn syrup, salt, and water until it makes a gooey concoction the consistency of lava, then you stir in raw peanuts. Using a candy thermometer, you heat the mixture up and stir constantly until the temperature reaches about 300 degrees F. Then you remove from heat, mix in a little baking soda, and pour the sludge onto a big piece of wax paper.
That’s when the magic happens. In a matter of minutes, the magma transforms into something resembling stained glass, and that’s the novelty of peanut brittle - and charitable giving. We write a check and walk away, and that’s when the magic happens. Nonprofits and institutions of faith step in, provide services, and quite miraculously, lives are changed. Your dollars can make a marvelous difference.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the whimsical red and white candy canes hanging on the limbs of evergreens or tied into bows on gifts under the tree. They are simple, nostalgic, and delicious. Their peppermint taste cools our palates and lingers with us even after the candy has dissolved. Candy canes bring a smile to our faces.
And as 2020 comes to a close, may you savor the joy of giving this year. May your many acts of kindness bring a smile to your face, and may the happiness you feel in helping others linger with you for many weeks to come.
Amber Nagle is the Marketing and Technology Director of the Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia. She writes for several magazines across the South.